Salesforce or Hubspot? Choose the Best Fit for Your B2B Needs

Fatima Naeem
3 min readMay 27, 2024


If you came across this post, it’s most likely because you are looking for some Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for effectively managing your business processes.

Your solution? It’s either Salesforce or Hubspot, as these are the most popular ones in the B2B marketing domain.

Now, selecting the right one depends on your specific needs, so we have made this comparison to help you decide which platform is better.

1. Easy to Use

One of the most important factors you need to see is how easy the CRM is to use.

Generally speaking, Hubspot is well-known for its user-friendly interface. The platform is built for simplicity as it is streamlined and limits the display to key elements. It requires less time and fewer resources for training.

Alternatively, Salesforce demands a higher learning experience and more training. Since the system is tough and flexible, it takes time to access all individual apps. Moreover, Salesforce offers a lot of features that can be overwhelming for users.

2. Cost Effective

Another major thing that people look for before investing in technology for their business is cost efficiency. Here, yet again, Hubspot stands out the most because it offers a free version of its CRM, which is a big attraction for any startup or small business.

On the flip side, Salesforce costs can easily rise due to the need for additional features that are only available in premium integrations. If simply put out, Salesforce is an expensive platform. Even though they have plans available for small businesses, the users still find their prices a bit high.

So, Hubspot is definitely a budget-free option for many small businesses and is worth considering while comparing the two tools.

3. Reliable Security

As far as security is concerned, both Hubspot and Salesforce offer a safe experience and follow the relevant laws and regulations. They both have strict security standards. Each of these tools has a separate security section on its website which gives more details about its reliability.

Ultimately, both fulfill rigid security requirements of:

  • CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act)
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls 2)
  • SOC 3 (System and Organization Controls 3)
  • TRUSTe

4. Integrations

In terms of integrations, Salesforce is a step ahead as it offers more integrations than HubSpot, offering 2,500+ integrations. On the other hand, Hubspot offers about 1000+ integrations. But overall, both are praised for their integration services. Furthermore, across both platforms, users can integrate with key tools like:

  • Microsoft Applications
  • Google applications
  • Zoom
  • LinkedIn

Final Verdict

Even though both systems offer advanced features, the ultimate choice of CRM comes down to the individual needs of a business. For small companies and businesses, Hubspot is an ideal choice due to it being user-friendly and cost-efficient. While, Salesforce is a smart choice in case of large enterprises with more complex needs. However, this is not set in stone. You can identify the key elements of your business needs first, test out both platforms and then make your choice.

What do you think? Which platform is a good choice for you? Leave your thoughts below!

